For Seniors, By Seniors: A "planning committee" of senior volunteers meets regularly to develop Programs and Activities for Pine Hills Seniors. The participants suggest ideas, plan events and activities, and execute them.
The Pine Hills Senior Citizens organization offers a variety of Health and Wellness programs and fun recreational activities. Activities include community-volunteering opportunities, beginning computer classes, bingo, movies, crafts, community garden, holiday and birthday celebrations and much, much more. Below is an overview of planned Programs and Activities:
1. Medicare Overview:
Eligibility: Identity Theft: Insurance Fraud: Medicare Supplement:
Understanding Healthcare Options
2. Social Security Overview:
Services: Benefits: Retirement Estimator: Request Verifications: Taxes
3. Health Fairs:
Health Screenings: Disability: Depression: Support Groups: Adult
4. Emergency Preparedness:
Pine Hills Community Center site specific Emergency Exit information:
Monthly 'Safety Minute' Reminders!
5. Energy Bill Assistance:
EHEAP - Emergency Home Energy Assistance Program for Seniors:
Help to pay utilities: Crisis Benefits: Home Energy Credit Guidelines &
6. Health & Wellness:
Wellness Presentations: Monthly 'Healthcare Minute' Reminders!
7. Hospice Care Overview:
What is Hospice? Palliative Care? Criteria: Cost: Benefits and
8. Older Americans Month:
The Power of Inter-generational Connections and Healthy Aging.
Increase community involvement for older adults
9. Nutrition Month:
Healthy Choices & Essential Nutrients: Impact of Processed Foods:
Eating Healthier for Diabetes: Healthy Eating After age 50
10. Public Safety:
Fraud Detection and Prevention: Crime Alerts!!! Scam Alerts!!! Silver
Alerts!!! Con Artists & Evil Doers!!!
11. STOP Elder Abuse:
Identify "red" flags. Education: Prevention & Reporting: Role of trusted
Advocates: Elder Justice in the 21st century: World Elder Abuse
Awareness Day
12. Caregiving:
Warning signs your older family member may need help. Support groups:
Respite Care
13. Black History Month:
Heritage Day - Celebrate the Diversity of Members. Culture: History:
Food: Music: Achievements in Science, Education, Arts, Sports etc.
14. Veterans Day:
Home of the Free because of the Brave!!! Remembrance and Thank You
to all Vets and families for their Service
15. Financial Education:
Fraud - Suspicious or Unauthorized activities: Identity Theft
16. Gardening:
What makes your garden grow? Tips, ideas and inspiration for your
garden: Community gardening
17. Arts & Culture:
Museums: Exhibitions: Performances
18. In the Community:
Introduction and Exposure to other community organizations. Volunteer
Opportunities: Livable communities for older adults
Elder-Friendly Exercise
Brain Fitness - Puzzle Challenge! (FTE: Fun Timing Event)
Health Expo Information: Free health screenings in the community
Healthcare Reminders: Living with Diabetes & other long term diseases: Foot care: Adult Immunization e.g. Flu, Shingles & Pneumonia Shots (Physician’s script needed)
Bereavement Support: Escorts to funerals
Well-being Support: Escorts to hospital: Doctor visit etc.
Celebrations: Thanksgiving: Christmas: Mother's Day: Monthly Birthdays: Father's Day
Special Events: Older Americans Month: Veterans Day: Black History Month: National Caribbean American Heritage Month
Table Games: Bingo: Cards: Scrabble: Dominoes
Off-site Activities: Volunteering: Day Trips: Movies: Lunch
Speakers: Weekly 'Share & Care': Invited Guests
Singing: Ladies and Men's Choirs
Gardening: Seasonal
Volunteer Committees:
> Planning:
Develop Active Seniors Programs and Activities
> Guest Speakers:
Invite speakers on a variety of Topic of interest to members
> Entertainment:
Organize Day Trips: Community Drives: Talent Show: Movies
> Social & Membership:
Plan social activities i.e. holiday celebrations, monthly birthdays